How to become a member

Membership of the Wurgabup Rifle Club is open to any individual who supports the objectives of the Association; does not have criminal or addiction issues that would impede the safe use of firearms or participating in Wurgabup Rifle Club competitions and social activities.

An individual who is aged under 18 is eligible to apply for membership with the approval of a parent or guardian and must be supervised by a responsible adult while participating in a shooting activity.

Social membership is available for any individual who wishes to attend to the club in a social capacity and does not intend to participate in shooting activities. Social membership does not preclude the individual from participating in shooting as a visitor from time to time.

An interested individual may make contact with the club by either of the following:

-       Telephone a representative of the club from the Contact List

-       Complete an expression of interest form and email to the club and we will contact you. Click here to download form

-      Click on Contact Us and complete your details in the form and we will contact you.

It is recommended for an individual to participate as a visitor and become familiar with the club and preferred shooting discipline/s before applying to become a member. 

Membership application process:

-       Complete the membership application form. Click here to download form

-       An application for membership must be supported by at least one current member of Wurgabup Rifle Club Incorporated.

-       The application to be signed by the Captain of the relevant affiliated Club (SSAA and/or Target Rifle)

-       The application is submitted to the club secretary for discussion at the next scheduled meeting of the Wurgabup Management Committee.

-       The applicant will become a member once the application is accepted by the management committee,

-       and full payment of membership fees is received by the club treasurer.

-       Membership fees are set at the Annual General Meeting and are payable by June 30th each year. New members joining part way through the year shall pay

membership fees on a pro-rata basis.

Please Note:           

Target Rifle members are required to pay the additional WA Rifle Association affiliation fee to the club treasurer

SSAA Members are required to be members of the National SSAA, particularly if requiring club support for firearms.